It took less than two months

It’s a bit of a barren post this week, I even forgot to take pictures 🙁

This week in development

Despite my intentions, I didn’t manage to get The Lion & The Unicorn sorted this week.

Mainly because I planned to get things finished on Saturday, but on Friday my laptop’s keyboard and trackpad decided to pack up (again). I have a bluetooth backup, but typing anything at length on it is a nightmare.

But the files are now done. So should be up this week. Barring any further complications.

This week in games

Only one gaming session this week. On Wednesday we went with an old favourite: Concept. Always marvellously frustrating to be gesticulating wildly as a friend guesses “red and white liquid building” while you’re trying to push them towards “Amy Winehouse”.

This week in everything else

Most of my week was spent blasting through both series of One Day at a Time, and then the first 10 episodes of Jessica Jones. Both thoroughly enjoyable. And, uh, not much else …

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